85 North Avenue – c. 1830

From To Date Book/Page Notes
John G. Thayer John Fisher 10/14/1808 000171/035 John G. Thayer, son of Alexander Thayer
(d. 1807), brother of Dr. Alexander Thayer and Nabby Thayer Fisher

This sale took place before the division of land of Alexander Thayer in 1809 in which John G. Thayer was given 11 acres and 106 rods and Nabby Thayer Fisher was given 8 acres and 53 rods

John Fisher Benjamin Peirce 10/03/1822 000228/605 Mortgage deed
Benjamin Peirce Joseph Cummings 11/06/1826 000252/377 Assignment of Mortgage
Joseph Cummings Hezekiah Fletcher 03/20/1827 000259/400 House is on Tract 1

John Fisher to retain life estate to Tract 2, land belonging to the heirs of John Fisher by his former wife Nabby Thayer Fisher (d. 1816)

Hezekiah Fletcher Edwin A. Roby 04/01/1834 000299/469
Edwin A. Roby Hezekiah Fletcher 04/22/1834 000299/471 Mortgage
Hezekiah Fletcher Perry Daniels 02/22/1837 000321/485 Tract 1 on deeds above

House is on this Tract

John G. Fisher Luther H. Fisher 10/12/1837 000328/152 John G. and Luther H. Fisher, sons and heirs of Nabby and John Fisher (d. 1836)

Tract 2 on deeds above

Perry Daniels Elias Wood 10/01/1839 000348/332
Luther H. Fisher Elias Wood 12/13/1839 000348/160
Elias Wood Joseph Albee 02/28/1860 000623/312 Both Tracts
Joseph Albee Mary Ann D. Bradford 01/03/1872 000859/533
Mary Ann D. Bradford William W. Nelson 04/01/1874 000929/171
William W. Nelson Nancy H. Nelson 12/12/1905 Will Nancy H. Nelson, wife of William W. Nelson (d. 1905)
Nancy H. Nelson Clarance A. Butman
John L. Butman
03/31/1908 Will Clarence A. and John L. Butman, nephews of Nancy H. Nelson (d. 1908)
Clarance A. Butman
John L. Butman
Leonard E. Taft 11/28/1908 001896/323
Susan M. Taft Emily I. Goodnow
Everett F. Goodnow
06/01/1940 002779/032 Susan M. Taft, wife of Leonard E. Taft
(d. 1930)

Tract 1 in deed above

Emily I. Goodnow Linda G. Fitts 11/08/1996 018392/390
Linda G. Fitts,
Trustee of Goodnow
Family Irrevocable
Hood’s Construction
Co. Inc.
12/23/2002 028507/160
Hood’s Construction
Co. Inc.
Craig P. Allen
Susan L. Allen
06/09/2003 030395/322 Portion of deed above

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